As a more senior engineer you start delegating tasks and coaching other more junior engineers. You might start guiding a team. This brings its own challenges. Maybe you recognize some of the statements below:

  • I still rather do things myself than delegate them to others
  • Coaching and motivating colleagues takes more effort than I wish
  • Is it hard to find the right balance between letting go and stay in control?
  • How to move from a group of individuals to a high performing team?

The goals of delegating and coaching is to get more work done together and grow professionally as a team. To make sure the work is done successfully, and your colleagues are happy to work for you, a structured and skilled approach is necessary. In this training you will learn how to become an inspiring delegator and (team)coach.

This training is available for open enrollment as well as for in-company sessions.


After the training you can recognize the typical challenges early on and can successfully deal with them. You will be able to:

  • Organize yourself so you can organize others;
  • Set the right priorities and choose what to delegate and what not;
  • Assess the task maturity of colleagues and determine the right coaching style;
  • Be flexible in your coaching style;
  • Setting up a plan that will secure the right outcome;
  • Knowing what knobs to turn to become a high performing team.

Target audience

This training package is designed for the engineers working in the environment of complex system development and need to delegate work and guide work of others. It is highly practical and theoretically sound. You will be working with your personal cases so you can apply what you have learned the next day.

Start date
Next edition info
Duration 3 consecutive days
Frequency Twice per year
Price per participant € 2,000 Excl. VAT. *
Download brochure


Day 1

  • Delegate in an inspiring way in 5 steps
  • 9:00 - 17:00 including lunch

Day 2

  • Become flexible in your coaching style
  • 9:00 - 17:00 including lunch

Day 3

  • How to make a high performing team
  • 9:00 - 17:00 including lunch

Personal action plan
In the training you will practice and master the skills. Therefor you make, as part of the training plan, a personal action plan that helps you to apply what you have learnt.

Feedback from colleagues
Prior to the training you will carry out a mini 360 degrees enquiry asking colleagues what it is they perceive as your strong and weak points in your communication skills. In the training, we use this enquiry as a basis from which to start learning.


Action learning, lectures, exercises, discussions, role-plays.


Participants will receive a High Tech Institute course certificate for attending this training.

Remarks from participants

"I do like this course and the teachers did explain it very well. Thanks a lot for this nice training!"

Baojun Tang - NXP

"Great training. Super-motivated trainer. Super-motivated trainees."

Dolf Riedel – NXP Gemany

"Very good training, especially the fact that we did a lot of practising."

Rob van der Velde - Innolux