Electronic cooling

The electronic cooling workshop by Wendy Luiten is available as open enrollment and in-company as well.  High Tech Institute organizes this training twice a year. One face-to-face session in Eindhoven and another one online. Besides, in-company sessions are possible on request.

The “Electronic cooling and thermal design” training originates in the famous 20+ year old 3-day classroom course. Which Philips developed in the period it had its own training institute, called Centre for Technical Training, with 175 mostly technical trainings. The electronics cooling training is now modernized and adapted for both online and classroom audiences. “Electronics cooling and thermal design” is the first module in a series of two. Additionally, the second module is “Advanced thermal management of electronics” from trainer Clemens Lasance.


Thermal training

During her thermal training Wendy Luiten discusses the Why, What, How and When of Cooling of Electronic systems, PCBs, ICs and LEDs. Moreover, she does this in a practical, model based and industry driven approach.

Moreover, the thermal training combines thermal physics of heat transfer with realistic industry examples. This means doing lots of practical hands-on assignments on how to identify, realize and verify thermal requirements. You will learn to prevent future thermal issues and solve existing thermal problems in electronic products.


Model-based thermal design optimization

The training “Electronics Cooling and thermal design” teaches you to construct a high-level thermal model of your design. This includes heat dissipations and key mechanical parameters.

This further enables data driven optimal decisions on high level thermal architecture choices. It provides foundational work for computational thermal simulations. Optimization can make the difference for many cutting edge applications. This includes but is not limited to, automotive, data centers and power electronics. Also, photo-voltaic, hand held mobile devices, LED applications, digital twins etc.


Electronics system design

Thermal problems are system level problems. They typically originate on the interface of the mechanical and electrical domain. The high -level thermal modeling combines all key inputs of system, sub-system, and part design. At last, it is all about acquiring an active skill level in electronics system design. Furthermore, it is about seeing how thermal requirements flow down and thermal capabilities flow up in the V-model. It is the red thread throughout the training.